Hi, my name is

Kevin Kuo

Full-Stack Developer



University of Texas at Austin

Bachelor's of Science in Computational Mathematics


University of Texas at Austin

Certificate in Business Foundations


University of North Texas

Master's of Science in Computer Science


PassPort Analytics

React - Next.js

Portfolio screen showcases your portfolios performance against SPY, as well as the breakdown of its statistics.
You can switch between overview, ratios, profitability, debt, growth rates, ratings, performance, and valuation tabs for your portfolio.
There is a specific dividends portion for your portfolio tracking.
A special feature here is the breakdown of the yearly growth rates of your dividend payers.

Portfolio Overview





PassPort Analytics is a stock portfolio tracker and stock researching tool. It focuses on using visuals to breakdown a stock's financials to really showcase the important details.

Live App
Ratios showings 4 disinct metrics over time are showcased, ranging from margins to roce.
Get the estimated financials for upcoming years, analyst ratings, and firm grades.
You can see the income statement, balance sheet, and cashflow statements for your favorite stocks. You are also able to download them to a csv file.
The dividend sections breaks down the payments, growth, simulated reinvestment, and historical dividend yield.

Stocks Overview





Important metrics are shown front and center. Again, the focus is on using visuals to showcase a stock's financials.

Live App

IOS Version

React Native

The IOS homepage shos the daily performance and upcoming events of your portfolio.
The breakdown section is expanded to utilizie the mobile format, where there are now more sections for different metrics.
An example showcase of updated ui that fits mobile apps, the monthly outlook shows the important information without being too crowded.
An express backend allows me to fetch and organize batch data more efficiently, resulting in custom data that isn't easily available.

IOS Overview

React Native




This is an IOS version of PassPort Analytics. Unlike the website version where I've leveraged server side rendering and serverless technologies through Next.js, the app version uses a more traditional server for its backend.

Live App

Headless CMS Template

Next.js - Strapi

A blog like style showcase of places you've been.
A blog like style showcase of items that you use.
A custom shopify store integrated within a personalized website.
An example shopify store item with variants.

Locations Example




Example of a blog like style locations showcase.

Live App

Contact Me

I'm currently open to any inquiries.